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Generate a new, resampled dataset of the same shape as data following the given model. The covariates are resampled from data$x and the response variables are drawn according to model$sample_yx().


resample_param_rsmplx(data, model)



data.frame() with columns x and y containing the original data


ParamRegrModel to use for the resampling


data.frame() with columns x and y containing the resampled data


# Create an example dataset
n <- 10
x <- cbind(runif(n), rbinom(n, 1, 0.5))
model <- NormalGLM$new()
params <- list(beta = c(2, 3), sd = 1)
y <- model$sample_yx(x, params = params)
data <- dplyr::tibble(x = x, y = y)

# Fit the model to the data
model$fit(data, params_init = params, inplace = TRUE)

# Resample from the model given data
resample_param(data, model)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 2
#>    x[,1]  [,2]       y
#>    <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 0.554     1  4.16  
#>  2 0.303     0  0.321 
#>  3 0.446     0  0.0683
#>  4 0.315     1  3.52  
#>  5 0.142     1  3.33  
#>  6 0.491     1  4.27  
#>  7 0.650     1  5.11  
#>  8 0.407     1  3.99  
#>  9 0.755     0  0.645 
#> 10 0.483     0 -0.836